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Urgent Notice

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our global customers for your interest and supports. Please make sure to check the following notices before ordering.

Notice1. Plan to add 2,000 sets of Jennie photo cards

All Jennie photo cards have been sold out early due to high demand.
we have decided to place an additional order of 2,000 Jenny photo cards, which will be restocked on January 18th. Jennie's photo cards will be in stock on the 18th, but you can order until the additional 2,000 photo cards are sold out.
However, please note that customers who want a Jenny photo card given to customers purchasing Sensual Nude Balm or Gloss will start shipping from January 19th after the photo cards are restocked.

Notice 2. Jennie Photo Card

Jennie photo card 1 set: 3 + undisclosed cuts, total 4 cuts
1 set free with the purchase of Sensual Nude Balm or Gloss
Buy 2 Sensuals to get 2 sets, not 1 per person

Notice 3. Shipping to China

When shipping to China, please remember that you must enter an address in English due to shipping company issues. Global shipping is not possible if you enter an address in Chinese.

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